Giseigo= Onomatopoeia. Particularly, the sounds humans and animals make.
In the morning I help Mama cook and clean. I open the cupboard and attempt to take out ALL the cans before Mama sees me. Usually, I succeed in getting eight out before she requests that I put away the ones I'm not using. Herding them into my arms, I try to convince her they are all being used. She has yet to believe me. Today, I am left with four out at a time. I have them stacked when she returns to the room. "Up high, Mama, look! Tower of peaches. One two three four five six five six seven eight ten eleven. Eleven peaches!" I point to them over and over while I count. The numbers come easily so my hand keeps moving. The artichokes get counted seven times. Oops.
After my nap, I carry the kindle down the hall. With the biggest smile I ask Mama if I can play. "I awake! Animal game now. Doggie woof woof. Mouse EEEEE EEE! I sit by you, Mama. Oh kisses too. Turn on animals now. Please."
I can do them all! The hippo, panda, mouse, and dog are my favorite on this game. Elephant comes up, Mama tries to make the noise. My head shakes in disappointment. "No ephant noise, Mama. Daddy do it. Daddy home soon. All done with animals."
Animal noises are different in Japan. Japanese dogs say wan, wan. The cats say nyan nyan. Mice say chuu chuu. I laugh when Mama tries to teach me different animal sounds. I correct her with American sounds when she does the Japanese ones. I shake my head, "Mama..."
Time to sing! I sing "Call Your Girlfriend" a cover by Lennon and Maisy Stella very LOUDLY. "But chu met somoney new. Say I ever met to hurt nomon. Only way uheart'll men is when yulertolove again. But it wot make seense night now cause you sill a frien...."
Baby needs milk. No time for singing, now. "Shh, shh, shh," I bounce.
"Diaper! New diaper please." I drop my wrap and run. When Mama gets to the bedroom, I am nowhere to be found. She opens the bathroom door. "Boo," I say. Then, I run again. "Chase, chase. EEE eee. All done." Chase is a scary game sometimes. I can only handle it for a minute. Mama scoops we up to change my diaper and then we get to wrestle on the bed. "Wrassle."
Lunch time!
Mama says we can go to the park after we eat! I need to get baby ready. "Diaper. Baby diaper. I'll get it. You help baby diaper? Diaper too big. My diaper, baby's diaper. Baby pee pee uretha. Baby wipe uretha. No, baby wipe for vulva. Uretha here. Baby wipe, here." I hold my dress up with my chin, so I can see my task clearly. It doesn't work well.
The Japanese kids are just getting out of school. The crossing guard is always playing games with them. This game looks like roshambo and there is lots of giggling done by the little boys. Mama likes to stop and watch.
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