Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Today is the day I ate my snack by the dog bowl.

We are home late from Oma and Opa's house. I stay awake the whole time. Mama Roo says I could go to sleep in the car, but I thought it would be much more productive to stay awake. Sometimes I miss things when I'm sleeping (like the time I woke up and all my friends were here)! This time it was just dark. I sing for 10 minutes straight.

When we get in the door, Daddy Bear says, "Time for bed." "Hungry, hungry, cheese, cracker, please?!" I ask. 

Isabella comes through the door and looks around expecting a treat. Mama gives her one. It is her dinner time now. For a minute, I watch her munching food that Mama won't let me touch. I decide it is a good spot for me to eat my snack. Observing Isabella again, I do exactly what she does. I am a doggie now.

"More cheese," I ask. "Wa-wa, doggie, woof, woof." 

"Pictures, cheese, snack, doggie." I smile. This is fun.

Mama Roo says, "All done with snack. Time for bed, Lulu." I make this face.
"Nigh-night snack, Nigh-night Bella."

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