Monday, June 17, 2013


Today we see lots of dressed up baby doll statues.

In Japan, the O-Jizo-Sama have a multitude of tasks and responsibilities. They often line roads, offering safe passage to travellers, they are also said to help protect and aid fire fighters that in turn risk their own safety to help those in need. But perhaps the most prominent use of the O-Jizo-Sama is to protect and help infants and children that have passed away.

We see these everywhere in Japan. It is fun to look at all the different outfits and toys they carry. "Mama, look babies. Babies and hats. I hold them? I see it? Go over there."

Homeless and GI Joe Jizo.

Baby and Grandma Jizo.

 Jizo who love plastic cups.

Scrunchie and Fiesta Jizo.

 Transformer and Fashionista Jizo.

 Finally, I heart Japan Jizo twins.... complete with Golden Week fish kites and pinwheels.

Mama and I keep walking after we document all the outfits. These doll are fun, but I see this big red tower. "What is it? Look there. See it Mama? I see stairs. You coming?" Mama says this is worth the hill climb.

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