Sunday, November 3, 2013

Nursing my toy car

Today is the day I nurture my baby car.

There is a whole debate about "girl toys" verses "boy toys". Do you want to know what my mom is most excited about? ...Not buying any toys. Seriously, it's like she doesn't know I need all the new plastic things they make in those big stores. I'll get to her one day, for now I'm just trying to confuse her so she doesn't know what to believe.

She is doesn't really subscribe to those camps that say girls are only interested in babies and cooking or the camps that say only give your kids gender neutral toys. She just watches me play with all kinds of things, as long as they don't take batteries (or until the batteries run out and she won't replace them??? Mean.). Usually, I stick with books, blocks, babies, or anything she touches during the day. My top three go to toys are old cell phones, an old keyboard (I like to return the emails of my many blog followers), and my babies.

Today, I wanted to change it up.

"Mama, car needs milk. Car is going nigh-night. More milk? Sh, sh, sh (pat pat pat). I put right here, in my wrap. Car needs milk to go nigh-night. I go find you a bed. Car needs Mama's bed. Mama, you need your bed? No, ok. I use it. Evybody bed or Daddy bed? I be right back. You be here?"

I take extra care to hang on to this car in my wrap for a while. My purpose is to confuse Mama. It seems to have the opposite affect. She smiles and giggles. She gets out the camera. Why is this so cute to her?

I'll have to do something more drastic tomorrow. Day 23 of the plan is ruined. Man, you can't live with Mamas and you can't live without them. I wonder what's for lunch?

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